To register for Edkimo click on the “Sign Up” button on our website top right.
Create your account in just a few steps. There’s a free trial for all users for 30 days which does not renew automatically.
To sign up for Edkimo select the area in which you are mainly active.
Subsequently the registration is possible without any problems.
If you can’t find your school/organization listed, you can easily create a new one. Therefore you need to scroll down the list and press “Add new”.
Then you just need to fill in the empty fields. As soon as this is done, you can press the “Next” button and create your account.
If you need help or can’t find your country, city nor region listed, please write us an email. Sadly our data base doesn’t include all countries, cities nor regions yet and we at Edkimo need to include your preferences manually. But we are very happy to do so and are working on an improvement.