That’s a good question!

Here 9 helpful tips compiled, for good questions:

1. Formulate briefly and concisely and avoid unnecessary filler words.

Negative example: I have the impression that I understood today’s lesson content.
Better example: I have understood today’s lesson content.

2. Ask only one piece of information per item/question.

Negative example: My teacher is good at explaining content and presenting it in an interesting way.
1) My teacher explains content well.
2) My teacher presents content in an interesting way.

3. Formulate in a simple and understandable way. Avoid nested sentences.

Negative example: In my class you can always find students who cheer someone up when he/she is feeling down. Better example: In my class you can always find someone to talk to about problems.

4. Take into account the language level of the participants (e.g. simple language).

Negative example: My teacher always responds to my individual needs.
Better: My teacher always gives me exactly as much help as I need at the moment.

5. Formulate vividly.

Negative example: The teacher teaches individualised.
Better like this:
1) My teacher gives me hints on how I can I can improve.
2) My teacher lets me choose between tasks of varying difficulty.
3) etc.

6. Always formulate positively – otherwise it is unnecessarily difficult to understand.

Negative example: Doing something wrong in class is not bad.
Better like this: I dare to make mistakes in class.

7. Formulate in a value-neutral way to not influence the participants answers. Do not imply any facts.

Negative example: The teacher supports me with my homework.
1) I regularly attend homework support (yes/no).
2) If yes, does the teacher help you with your homework?

8. In your questions/statements, address and name specific situations and time periods.

Negative example: I understood the lesson content.
Better example: I have understood today’s lesson content.

9. Formulate questions/statements that refer to the individual assessment instead of the we-perspective.

Negative example: My teacher gives homework that we can do well.
Better: My teacher gives homework that I can do well.